What is full of holes but still holds water?

What is full of holes but still holds water? want to know the correct answer for this question then you are at the right place.

Q. What is full of holes but still holds water?

a. Bucket

b. Shower

c. Sponge

d. Mug

Correct Answer : c. Sponge

Sponge : Full Of Holes But Still Holds Water

A sponge is a padded item made of a soft, porous material. Most commonly used for cleaning impervious surfaces, sponges are particularly good at absorbing water and water-based solutions.

that's why sponges are full of holes but it still holds water.

Originally made from natural sea sponges, they are today more commonly made from synthetic materials.

Sea sponges were used as tampons by women throughout history and are still used as a cheaper and more environmentally friendly alternative to fiber ones.

However, the researchers do not recommend using sea sponges as tampons, as they can contain dirt and microorganisms, especially if poorly cleaned.

Synthetic sponges can be made of polyester, polyurethane or vegetable cellulose. Polyurethane is used in polyester sponges for their abrasive side.

Polyester sponges are more common for dish washing and are usually soft and pale.

Vegetable cellulose sponges made from wood fibers are used more for bathing and cleaning the skin, and are generally harder and more expensive than polyester sponges.

They are considered more eco-friendly than polyester sponges because they are biodegradable and made from natural materials.

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